Riverdale Bronx New York Locksmith – Momo Locksmith

Momo Serves Riverdale: About: Riverdale, Bronx New York. (10471)

A Quiet Neighborhood that was Once the Site of Summer Homes for the Elite


Everything is bigger in Riverdale, a suburban-feeling neighborhood along the Hudson in the northern Bronx. Riverdale’s winding, tree-lined streets and stately single-family homes may make you think you’re not even in New York City anymore. This suburban enclave has been welcoming refugees from Manhattan’s bustle and summer heat for decades.

Whether you’re looking for a pint of ale and an evening of original Irish-inspired theater, a cricket match between West Indian devotees or a step back in time at Colonial-era Van Cortlandt House, Riverdale is full of surprises like Van Cortlandt Park is twice the size of Central Park!

Everything is bigger in Riverdale, a suburban-feeling neighborhood along the Hudson in the northern Bronx.

Fact: John F. Kennedy lived in Riverdale, at 5040 Independence Avenue, as a child.

Fact: George Washington stayed at the Van Cortlandt House.


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